
CAS: 9012-36-6  EC: 232-658-1  TARIC: 13023100


  • Residue on calcination ≤ 0.3%
  • DNase/RNase activity Non-detected
  • EEO (Electroendosmosis) ≤ 0.1%
  • Assay moisture ≤ 10%
  • pH in gel ≤ 9
  • pH in solution ≤ 9
  • Colour White
  • Appearance Fine, homogeneus powder
  • Particle size (A.S.T.M) over sieve 60 ≤ 2%
  • Particle size (A.S.T.M) over sieve 200 ≤ 28%
  • Particle size (A.S.T.M) under sieve 200 ≤ 14%
  • DNA binding None detected
  • Comparative assay of different size DNA fragments Bands appear sharp and finely resolved
  • Background fluorescence assay in ethidium bromide Very low gel background after EtBr staining
  • In-Gel restriction and ligation (assayed enzymes: EcoRI, HindIII and DNA t4 ligase) Passes test
  • Digestion with agarase enzyme and DNA recovery Passes test
  • Gel strength 4% ≥ 1000g/cm2
  • Gel point (4%) ≤ 35ºC
  • Melting point (4%) ≤ 65ºC
  • Clarity of solution ≤ 9NTU
  • Sulfate ≤ 0.12%

SKUreferenciaenvasecontenidounidades por refstockpreciocantidad 
AGAR-LMS-100AGAR-LMS-100botella de plástico100 g1


Ficha técnica


CAS: 9012-36-6  EC: 232-658-1  TARIC: 13023100

  • Residue on calcination ≤ 0.3%
  • DNase/RNase activity Non-detected
  • EEO (Electroendosmosis) ≤ 0.1%
  • Assay moisture ≤ 10%
  • pH in gel ≤ 9
  • pH in solution ≤ 9
  • Colour White
  • Appearance Fine, homogeneus powder
  • Particle size (A.S.T.M) over sieve 60 ≤ 2%
  • Particle size (A.S.T.M) over sieve 200 ≤ 28%
  • Particle size (A.S.T.M) under sieve 200 ≤ 14%
  • DNA binding None detected
  • Comparative assay of different size DNA fragments Bands appear sharp and finely resolved
  • Background fluorescence assay in ethidium bromide Very low gel background after EtBr staining
  • In-Gel restriction and ligation (assayed enzymes: EcoRI, HindIII and DNA t4 ligase) Passes test
  • Digestion with agarase enzyme and DNA recovery Passes test
  • Gel strength 4% ≥ 1000g/cm2
  • Gel point (4%) ≤ 35ºC
  • Melting point (4%) ≤ 65ºC
  • Clarity of solution ≤ 9NTU
  • Sulfate ≤ 0.12%
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